It’s that time of year again when you can help raise funds for Age Action by making some little hats to go on Innocent smoothie bottles.
There are lots of free official Innocent Big Knit knitting and crochet patterns you can make.
There’s fewer crochet patterns readily available, although you could also use egg cosy patterns or try adapting the head from some amigurumi toy patterns if you felt adventurous.

The official basic crochet hat pattern is very easy to follow and I made one with some leftover multicoloured variegated yarn I had.
I also made the Innocent crochet tortoise and owl patterns designed by Val Pierce. The owl pattern from 2015 is no longer available on the Innocent website, so I’ve uploaded the crochet owl pattern pdf so you can still make it.

These look very cute when finished but take a lot more work. There are a lot of little pieces involved & it all gets rather fiddly. I think the fancier knitted hat patterns are much quicker to make.

Finally, I tried making an unofficial crochet frog hat pattern by Oliver Boliver (alternate link if not loading). Mine went a bit wrong alas and didn’t really look like a frog in the finish.
So, I decided to knit some i-cord antennae & turn him into an alien instead. I’m not sure he looks much like an alien either, but sure nobody knows for sure what’s out there! 🙂
It’s fun to knit or crochet a few little hats and an easy way to help a great cause. You can find out more info about the project on the Innocent Big Knit website.